Sunday, January 06, 2008

NH Debate Impressions

One solid fact emerged from the back-to-back debates in New Hampshire last night: the Democrats are going to win the general election.

Where the Republicans were sniping and bitching at each other and coming off like kids in a schoolyard yelling, "I know you are but what am I?", the Democrats came off looking like leaders.

I'll leave the Republicans for others to discuss and concentrate my remarks on the Democrats, since they're the ones who are going to win in November.

None of the candidates made a major gaffe or embarrassed themselves. The worst any candidate looked was when Hillary Clinton, looking overtired and miffed at Barack Obama, gave off a tirade about her so-called "experience" that had her coming off as shrewish -- not a good look for her. I remember thinking, "Oh, shit -- so this is what Bill has been putting up with all these years."

Someone must have spoken to her in the break, because she really toned it down in the second half of the debate and she was far more effective. Even charming.

Bill Richardson was both funny and effective but came off as a little peevish in the second half of the debate when he practically whined that no one gave a shit about the fact that he had an impressive resume (as opposed to, it hardly need be said, Barack Obama).

Obama looked a little tired but was effective if not stellar. He very deftly put Hillary Clinton on the defensive and both looked and sounded presidential: he didn't really need to do much more than that.

For me the star of the night was John Edwards. He was the only person on stage who didn't look like he was ready to keel over from exhaustion. He looked ready to tear into the Republicans and the special interests and the corporations who have so fucked up this country over the past few years. I appreciate the fact that he's just about the only candidate talking about poor people and the middle class and how to keep the latter from becoming the former. I thought he gave the best showing of the night.

There was one point in the broadcast when they had a two-shot of Edwards and Obama sitting next to each other and I had a bit of an epiphany. I thought to myself: This is going to be the ticket. You could see it right there -- the chemistry and the charisma and the impetus for change, just working between these two men. This, I thought, is a winning combination.

I don't know which of the two of them will be at the head of the ticket (and I'm not really sure it matters), but I think that an Edwards/Obama or an Obama/Edwards ticket, is going to be very, very tough to beat in the fall.

I'm excited about this election. Can you tell?

Tom Moran


At 2:05 PM, Blogger Christina said...

Hi Tom:
I wanted to share this with you, if you haven't seen it already:
9 year old's take on the Republican debate in New Hampshire

I am probably too excited about the election, to the point where I was having disturbing dreams about the caucuses. I should be taking a media break, especially as the 2004 election let me way-y-y-y down.


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