Saturday, December 29, 2007

Stand and Deliver

CNN last Wednesday reported a sight that was just a little bizarre.

Senator James Webb (D-VA) came into the Senate chamber, called the Senate to order -- for exactly 11 seconds -- and then promptly ended the session, spending, according to CNN, a total of 57 seconds in the chamber.

Why was this ridiculous charade necessary, do you ask?

Because we have a psychopath in the White House, that's why.

You see, if the senate does not go into recess, then President Bush can't make any recess appointments, such as the one of John Bolton in 2005. If Bush is going to violate the spirit of the rules by sneakily appointing people who couldn't get confirmed while the back of the Senate is (in a manner of speaking) turned, then the Democrats in the Senate won't give him the opportunity. Hence the little charade on Wednesday, which will be repeated until mid-January by such Democratic stalwarts as Ted Kennedy and Chuck Schumer.

Personally I find it a little depressing that we have to go through asinine exercises such as this, but if we have to have this narcissistic lunatic in the White House for another 13 months or so, at least I can be glad that we have enough Democrats in the Senate to keep him from getting away with the kind of bullshit he's been getting away with for the past seven years. This is exactly the kind of thing the Democrats were voted into office to do.

Now if they'd only stand up to him on Iraq...

Tom Moran


At 4:57 PM, Blogger Christina said...

Happy New Year, Tom!


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