How Low Can She Go?
You know, every so often I tell myself that I should really stop posting about Ann Coulter. I tell myself, enough is enough. Write about something more important -- or at least more interesting. Write about David Irving's imprisonment and the issues that entails, or write about how the British are quietly bugging out of Iraq, or something with some real gravitas. Not some middle-aged spinster who clearly didn't get enough attention as a child.
And then the bitch says something so reprehensible, so completely despicable that it's impossible to let it go. You just have to call her on it and expose her for the loathsome piece of filth that she is.
The following comment was made by Miss Coulter on the campus of Indiana University, where she was giving what was euphemistically referred to as a "lecture." One of the student reporters took notes on her off-the-cuff comments, and printed them on this website:
During the question and answer period (in which she referred to one student as a "gay boy"), she was asked by another student, "Who would Jesus bomb?"
Now, keep in mind a few things. Keep in mind that Ann Coulter is, or at least claims to be, a Christian. Keep in mind that Pope John Paul II condemned the invasion of Iraq in no uncertain terms. Keep in mind all the stuff in the Bible about turning the other cheek and loving your enemies and how only those without sin should cast the first stone -- you know, the stuff that Jesus is supposed to have actually said.
What was Coulter's response to the question "What would Jesus bomb?"
"Probably abortion clinics," she replied.
This is the most disgusting excuse for a human being in America -- with the possible exception of the disgusting excuse for a human being currently occupying the White House. If you consider yourself any kind of a Christian, you should be ashamed of both of them.
And that's the last time I comment on Ann Coulter on this blog.
Tom Moran