Wednesday, February 15, 2006

It Was Only Birdshot, You Big Pussy!

Dick Cheney decided to take the coward's way out. Big surprise that is.

Instead of facing the press (or what right-wing nutjobs like him like to call the "mainstream media"), he opted instead of go before the cameras of Fox News and the softball questions of Brit Hume, a man who used to be considered a journalist.

How softball were the questions? Why don't we try quoting a few:

Question: Mr. Vice President, how is Mr. Whittington?

Question: How did you feel when you heard about that?

Question: And you -- and I take it, you missed the bird.

(Okay, I have to admit, that one is my personal favorite.)

But besides the generalities and the bullshit, there was one jaw-dropping statement made by Cheney in the interview. He said it at the very end, so you may have missed it.

This is what he said (and with a straight face!):

"One of the problems we have as a government is our inability to keep secrets."

Do you believe that? And the really pathetic thing is that he means it.

This has been the most secretive administration in American history. They have withheld from the press and the public information about almost everything they've done -- and have only given out any information at all when they've been forced to. And this idiot thinks that it's their inability to keep secrets that's a problem?

Gore Vidal once wrote (about Teddy Roosevelt or Hemingway, I'm not sure which), that if you give a sissy a gun he'll shoot everything in sight. Only it's not just one 78-year-old Texas attorney who's been peppered by this chickenhawk administration's birdshot. It's also the United States Congress, the Constitution of the United States and the American people.

One of these days, they're all going to start firing back.

Tom Moran


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