Friday, June 15, 2007

The Winning Ticket?

Here's a little tidbit from Page Six of the New York Post:

June 13, 2007 -- DON'T count out Al Gore as a presidential candidate - Bill Clinton certainly hasn't. Clinton, whose wife, Hillary, is leading a pack of Democrats for the 2008 nomination, was at a recent Air America relaunch at the apartment of the liberal radio network's new chief, Mark Green, when political blogger Andy Ostroy asked him, "Do you think Gore's going to run?" Clinton replied, "Someone's got to fizzle. If someone fizzles, then, yeah, he could enter the race. He's got plenty of money, his own money, to do it." Ostroy predicts: "It'll be [Barack] Obama who will fizzle by September, and Gore will toss his hat into the ring and enlist the junior senator from Illinois as his running mate. An unbeatable ticket."

To which I can only add: from your lips to the ear of the almighty, baby. I'll take a Gore/Obama ticket anyday.

Tom Moran


At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very interesting. I have heard many different possibilities regarding Al Gore’s running mate, with the most obscure being Bill Richardson, but I can definitely get behind a Gore/Obama ticket if it ever comes to light.


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