Friday, November 10, 2006

Some People Just Don't Get It

Somehow I'm reminded of the line that Boss Jim Gettys says to Charles Foster Kane: "You're going to need more than one lesson, Mr. Kane. And you're going to get more than one lesson."

George W. Bush, after having arrogantly made a recess appointment of John Bolton to the United Nations, has resubmitted his appointment, hoping to slip it in and make it official before the Democrats take over the Senate in January. Bolton's recess appointment will expire in January unless the currently Republican-dominated Senate confirms him before then.

Do you believe the nerve of this guy? Has he learned nothing from the past week?

Bush's original recess appointment of Bolton was a perfect symbol of the arrogance and the hubris of this administration, and the fact that he thinks he can push that nomination through at the last minute using a Congress that has been repudiated by the voters of this country tells you all you need to know about Bush's learning curve -- it rather closely resembles a flatline.

Bolton won't be confirmed, and from the looks of it, we're going to have a rough two years before we get this numbskull out of office.

Tom Moran


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