Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Where's Rosie When You Need Her?

When TV actress and stand-up comic Sherri Shepherd was given the job of co-host on ABC's "The View," she viewed it as a "miracle from God." Claiming that prayers from her fans allowed her to fill the chair left vacant by Star Jones, she told those fans on her website:

"Now just keep praying, that every morning I don't put my foot in my mouth – but if you know me, it's bound to happen :O)."
Well, Ms. Shepherd was right about that, because on today's episode of "The View" she said (with a straight face) that not only doesn't she believe in evolution, she does not know whether or not the earth is flat.

Let me repeat that for the benefit of those of you who have not yet picked their jaws up off the floor: she does not know whether or not the earth is flat.

Bear in mind, this woman has a child. Whose mother does not know whether or not the earth is flat.

Was this woman hired to fill the idiot chair? Because the show already has Elisabeth Hasselbeck for that (and she does a dandy job). What demographic is Ms. Shepherd appealing to anyway? Don't tell me African-Americans, because the African-Americans I know are pretty clear on the fact that the earth is round and besides, they have Whoopi Goldberg to appeal to that demographic. So why is Ms. Shepherd there? To make mental defectives feel brilliant by comparison?

I think Ms. Shepherd needs a little adult education in the heliocentric theory of the universe -- and some grounding in evolution might not be a bad idea either. So if you're feeling charitable, please send some books on science to:

Sherri Shepherd
c/o "The View"
320 West 66th Street
New York, NY 10023

The sooner you can mail those books off, the better, because this woman's pathetic ignorance reaches millions of impressionable people every day, and the sooner she learns a little science, the better off all of us (not to mention her child) will be.

Tom Moran

Note 9/19: I have been informed by the webmaster of Sherri Shepherd's website (who has refused to pass along my blog item to her) that Ms. Shepherd, unlike what I wrote in my blog item yesterday, has one and not two children. The error has been corrected.


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