Saturday, September 08, 2007

Where's John Mark Karr When You Need Him?

Remember Madeleine McCann? The cute little girl who disappeared in Portugal leaving her parents to appeal for her return and celebrities such as J.K. Rowling to cough up millions for a reward?

Well, now there are two suspects in her disappearance.

Her parents.

The Portugese police (who appear to have botched this case from Day One), are now theorizing that Madeleine's mother, Kate McCann, killed her daughter accidentally and then made up the whole abduction theory to throw suspicion away from them.

Is this good police work? A lucky guess? Or merely a Hail Mary pass on the part of the Portugese police who don't have a clue where the girl is and just want to make this whole sordid story go away because it's bad for tourism, like the mayor in "Jaws"?

Personally, I think it's time for John Mark Karr to make an appearance and confess. That's about all this case is lacking right about now.

Tom Moran


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