Edwards Vs. Coulter
You have to wonder what Elizabeth Edwards was thinking when she called MSNBC and confronted syndicated columnist and all-around skank Ann Coulter, telling her to cease and desist with the personal attacks on her husband.
It reminds me of that famous line that, as far as I know, Orson Welles originated: Never handle shit, even with gloves. The gloves just get shitty. The shit doesn't get glovey.
Of course, both sides in this little contretemps were being more than a little disingenuous: Edwards knows that Coulter has no intention of shutting up her continuous stream of bile because: a) she's a sociopath and has no conscience whatsoever, and: b) bile is her bread and butter. What else has she got going for her? Certainly not talent. Take away her bile and she's nothing but an underfed skank in a cocktail dress at seven in the morning (which always shows such class -- don't you think?). On the other hand, Coulter and her bile helps the Edwards campaign raise money, and each of these what I suppose we can call bimbo eruptions has been a windfall for Edwards and his presidential campaign.
Coulter, of course, was being disingenuous when she claimed that it was a free-speech issue. Edwards does not want to silence Coulter -- she merely wants her to show a little class (fat chance of that happening this side of a lobotomy). And Coulter wants to be attacked by the left because it drives up her speaking fees and pleases the dozen or so people who read her pathetic excuse for a column (which appears in -- how many papers? Eight? Nine? Do we even know?).
So this is a grotesquely symbiotic relationship which actually benefits both parties. And both of them know it. You have to assume, therefore, that this whole thing was an exercise in mutually beneficial hypocrisy on both sides.
Tom Moran
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