Saturday, September 09, 2006

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

President Sunshine thinks, much like his wife does, that everything is just hunky-dory and there's nothing to worry about.

He kind of reminds me of Kevin Bacon at the end of "National Lampoon's Animal House," vainly holding up his arms against the human tsunami that's about to knock him over and flatten him to the pavement, yelling, "All is well!"

Why do I think this?

Check out this lead from an ABC News item on an interview that Bush gave to the Wall Street Journal (the original is only available to subscribers, which is why I'm quoting it secondhand):

"President Bush says he believes Republicans will retain control of the Congress after the November elections, even as members of his own party predict a loss of some seats."

It gets better:

"In an interview with The Wall Street Journal's editorial page editor, Bush was commenting on how he planned to resurrect his push to change Social Security next year when he was reminded that some polls show Democrats were likely to win control of at least the House.

"I just don't believe it," the president told Paul Gigot, according to an account published Saturday.

"I believe the Republicans will end up being running the House and the Senate," the president was quoted as saying in the interview Thursday aboard Air Force One.

Bush said his confidence is based on his belief that voters will be convinced that Republicans were right to cut taxes to stimulate the economy, and that the GOP has a better understanding about the need to nurture Iraq's fragile government and spread democracy."

Don't you just love the part about resurrecting his cockamamie scheme to destroy Social Security by "privatization"? These people just don't give up. They are totally divorced from observable reality.

I'm actually starting to wonder whether or not Bush is mentally ill. It really would explain a lot -- don't you think? The fact that he is so clueless and so delusional would be very easily explained by the fact that there was something wrong with him mentally. If you read Peter Singer's fascinating book on Bush, "The President of Good and Evil," you might be tempted to draw the same conclusion.

We need a Democratic Congress -- House and Senate -- because nothing else will be able to keep this idiot in line.

And with any luck, a Democratic Congress will be able to do what's necessary to remove his sorry ass from the office he's disgraced.

Tom Moran


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