Sunday, August 20, 2006

Send Jenna Jameson to Iraq!

I've recently "personalized" my Google News page, and already it's paying dividends, because I doubt I would have come across this story otherwise (it's from

"A New York-based gay Jewish porn star is travelling to Israel to perform, free of charge for soldiers, as a show of solidarity with the Israeli people in their time of war with Hizbullah. Michael Lucas, owner and star of gay porn studio Lucas Entertainment, will perform in Israel from August 29, and produce a gay porn movie while there."

Now, can you imagine the USO sending Jenna Jameson or Stormy Daniels or any number of other porn stars over to Iraq to entertain the troops? It makes sense when you think about it -- after all, Marilyn Monroe went over to Korea to entertain the troops in the 1950s, and Jenna is pretty much the Marilyn Monroe of our time (in a future post I may explain why I think that Ms. Jameson is as important a cultural icon today as Marilyn or Elvis were in the 50s), so why shouldn't she go over and do her bit for our boys in uniform?

We know why, of course. Although Jenna and others like her are probably the people our boys (and some of our girls) really want to see, this government is so tight-assed that there's no way they'd send a porn star to entertain the troops -- right?

Or is it just that our government has its head up its ass in general?

Now, I've never met Ms. Jameson (and to be honest, although I acknowledge her importance in the history of American culture, I'm not much of a fan), but I'd be willing to bet that she would go to Iraq if she was asked. After all, the guys over there risking their lives are her fan base -- why wouldn't she go?

Could it be that Israelis are just cooler about these things than we are?

I've read that Lindsay Lohan wants to go over to Iraq with Hillary Clinton, but I say: fuck Lindsay Lohan! Send Jenna Jameson to Iraq!

Tom Moran


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