Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Dear Senator Lieberman

This is the text of a letter I just e-mailed to Senator Joe Lieberman via his Senate website:

Dear Senator Lieberman:

Ned Lamont is now the nominee of your party for U.S. Senator from Connecticut. I know that this result is disappointing. But I don't think that you should sully your reputation for probity and class by acting like a sullen and sulky poor loser and running as an independent.

You've always been a class act. This is not the time to go out like a loser.

Senator, it's time for you to accept reality. The voters of Connecticut have made their choice. It's up to you to accept and respect that choice.

It's time for you to go.


Tom Moran

If you'd like to send a similar letter to Senator Lieberman, this is how you can do it:

Let him know how you feel about his prospective run as an independent.

Tom Moran


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