Thursday, March 16, 2006

Happy Birthday to My Blog!

Today marks the first anniversary of CelticProgressive as a blog on the Internet, and this post marks the 70th post on this blog.

It's been quite a year.

It seems to me that people are finally catching on to this administration. The past year really marked a turning point, and the event that really opened people's eyes was Hurricane Katrina.

It took a hurricane to make some people see what the rest of us have known from Day One -- that this is the worst administration in American history; that they are both arrogant and inept; and that they hold the American people in complete contempt.

The year coming up will see even more challenges, both to our country in general and to this blog in particular. I'm looking forward to expanding it a little, writing about different subject matter and possibly in engaging in more dialogue with my faithful readers. Of course, dialogue depends on hearing from both sides, so if there's something you'd like to hear me talk about, feel free to e-mail me and make some suggestions.

I'd like to move into other areas of American life besides politics (I've done some of that already, obviously, but I'd like to do more). Politics, however, is going to be an engrossing subject this year, both with the crucial midterm elections and the beginning of the 2008 presidential race -- both of which are going to determine whether this country gets back a little of its self-respect, or we come even closer to becoming the police state that the Bushies are trying to turn this country into.

There's going to be a lot to talk about, and I hope you'll stop by this blog in the weeks and months to come so that you can hear me mouth off about it.

Tom Moran


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