Friday, January 20, 2006

Do You Know What Day It Is?

It's five years to the day since George W. Bush was first inaugurated President.

And it's one year to the day since he was inaugurated for a second term.

And, far more importantly, it is three years until we inaugurate a new President.

That is, provided that Bush doesn't get impeached and removed from office before then, which I devoutly hope is the case.

We progressives need to think about that -- every day.

We need to find a candidate who can beat whoever the Republicans decide to throw at us in 2008.

Because there has never been a better time for the GOP to be beaten than right now. They are corrupt and discredited. The people who claimed they would bring "honor and integrity" to the White House have shamed it more than the last five presidents combined. And the Republicans in Congress are the most corrupt bunch that I've seen in my lifetime. They need to be thrown out of office, and this country needs to put a Democratic majority in Congress and a Democrat in the White House.

I'll write more about this in the coming days and weeks. But for right now it's enough to point out that the clock is ticking. And for a number of good men and women in Iraq, fighting a war that they didn't have to fight and that they can't win, it might be sudden death pretty soon.

Tom Moran


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