Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Bush's Latest Bullshit Offensive

The President has been on television making the case for Iraq yet again. Is anybody buying it?

This is something I'd really like to know. Does anyone believe anything that comes out of this man's mouth anymore? Does he have any credibility left? When he utters the word "coalition," can anyone keep a straight face?

I mean, really.

Peggy Noonan wrote a column where she discussed reaction to the president's latest bullshit offensive:

"... Howard Dean, that human helium balloon ever resistant to the gravity of mature judgment, said of the administration that they lied us into war. He left no doubt that he meant they did it deliberately and cynically. But there seems to me a thing that is blindingly obvious, and yet I've never seen it remarked upon. It is that an administration that would coldly lie us into Iraq is an administration that would lie about what was found there. And yet the soldiers, searchers and investigators who looked high and low throughout Iraq made it clear they had found nothing, an outcome the administration did not dispute and came to admit. But an administration that would lie about reasons would lie about results, wouldn't it? Or try to? Yet they were candid."

Ms. Noonan fails to acknowledge, or perhaps she has forgotten, that the media were crawling all over that country with the troops (remember the term "embedded"?), so that the kind of mass deception that she thinks probably should have happened would have been just a tad impractical.

She's also forgetting something else. The fact is that Saddam did let Hans Blix and the weapons inspectors back into the country in November of 2002, and he did it for a reason. He did it because he knew they wouldn't find anything.

Saddam's reasoning was simple, and in theory it should have worked. He lets the inspectors back into Iraq, they look and look, they don't find anything -- and then Bush's hands are tied. Without any evidence of weapons of mass destruction he has no causa sine qua non for war - and Saddam is safe. What Saddam didn't count on, and what no rational person could have expected, was that George W. Bush is not a rational being, and that he was determined to go to war with Iraq -- regardless of whether he had a legitimate casus belli or not.

Bush did lie us into war. 2,000 Americans and God knows how many Iraqis are dead as a result, and I believe that, if the 2006 mid-term election goes the right way, he may well end up being impeached.

And if that happens, all the bullshit offenses of George W. Bush and all of his lackeys in the right-wing media won't be able to stop it.

Tom Moran


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