Saturday, October 29, 2005

I'm So Indicted (And I Just Can't Hide It)

After days of suspense, Patrick Fitzgerald finally made indictments in the Plamegate scandal. I know I'm probably not the only person to be disappointed that Karl Rove (who was clearly the one behind outing CIA agent Valerie Plame's name to reporters) wasn't indicted. It feels to me like Lewis "Scooter" Libby is being used as a bit of a scapegoat. But the fact seems to be that Libby lied under oath, so he was easier to indict. The case against Rove might take a little longer, but he's not out of the woods yet. If anyone in this administration deserves to go to prison (besides Bush and Cheney, that is), it's Karl Rove.

It's kind of amazing how fast not only this administration but the entire Republican party is falling apart. Frist under a cloud of suspicion for fiscal irregularities, DeLay forced to give up his post as House Majority Leader and smirking in his mug shot as if it were a campaign poster, the Vice President's Chief of Staff under indictment -- what's next? Are we going to find out that Ann Coulter's really a man?

What's even more frightening to think about is that these idiots are going to be in power for the next three years, and there's not much we can do about it. I almost wish that we could have a nationwide referendum to see how many people now believe that their vote for George Bush in 2004 was a mistake. Do you think he would win a similar election today? As the Brits like to say, not bloody likely.

It looks very good for the Democrats in 2006, although that's a long way off. I believe, as I've said before, that the Democrats are going to win a big enough majority next year to begin impeachment proceedings in 2007 -- at which point Bush may well find himself represented by Harriet Miers.

And won't that be interesting!

Tom Moran


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