Friday, January 26, 2007

The Sound of Silence

I try not to post blog items about the loathsome Ann Coulter, but sometimes she writes something that is particularly revealing.

Or, as in this case, doesn't write something.

Here are the first two paragraphs of her January 24 column, which is ostensibly about President Bush's State of the Union speech:

It's nice to have a president who is not so sleazy that not a single Supreme Court justice shows up for his State of the Union address (Bill Clinton, January 1999, when eight justices stayed away to protest Clinton's disregard for the law and David Souter skipped the speech to watch "Sex and the City").

Speaking of which, the horny hick's wife finally ended the breathless anticipation by announcing that she is running for president. I studied tapes of Hillary feigning surprise at hearing about Monica to help me look surprised upon learning that she's running.

Notice anything odd about those two paragraphs? Besides her ongoing (and decidedly creepy) obsession with the Clintons, that is?

She then goes on for several paragraphs noting that people who are the front runner in a given presidential campaign two years out don't always end up winning the White House. True enough, but just a little off-topic under the circumstances, don't you think?

The Skanky Doodle Dandy then goes on to insult Senator James Webb, who gave an impressive rebuttal to Bush's SOTU address:

Sen. Jim Webb, who managed to give the rebuttal to President Bush's State of the Union address Tuesday night without challenging the president to a fistfight (well done, Jim!), won his election last November by portraying himself as one of the new gun-totin' Democrats.

He once opposed women in the military by calling the idea "a horny woman's dream." But — as some of us warned you — it appears that Webb has already been fitted for his tutu by Rahm Emanuel.

Webb began his rebuttal by complaining that we don't have national health care and aren't spending enough on "education" (teachers unions). In other words, he talked about national issues that only are national issues because of this country's rash experiment with women's suffrage. I guess we should all be relieved that at least Webb's response did not involve putting a young boy's penis into a man's mouth, as characters in his novels are wont to do.

He then palavered on about the vast military experience of his entire family in order to better denounce the war in Iraq. As long as Democrats keep insisting that only warriors can discuss war, how about telling the chick to butt out?

Have you figured out yet what was so odd about the column? The identity of the dog that didn't bark?

In an 863-word column, Coulter didn't mention the content of the president's speech once.

Not once.

I think that silence speaks volumes about where Bush is now, don't you think? He's such a resounding failure that even the skankiest of the right-wing lunatics can't defend him anymore.

Tom Moran


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