Saturday, January 20, 2007

730 Days and Counting

Today is an important day. It's January 20th, which since 1937 has been the day that presidents are inaugurated. This means that exactly two years from today a new president will be sworn in.

I don't know about you, baby, but I can't wait.

There are times when I wish that we had something a little closer to a parliamentary system in this country, because a vote of no confidence would come in really handy right about now.

The only other way to get rid of Bush before January 20th, 2009 is through the consitutional expedient of impeachment. I've gone back and forth about impeachment. I've read up on the subject, given it a great deal of thought, and at times I thought it would be the best thing to do and at others (most notably right after the midterm election) I thought it might be a moot point.

Now I'm not so sure. I saw a Lyndon Larouche table set up on University Place in Greenwich Village not long ago and while I'm not a big fan of Larouche or his followers the slogan on their table not only made sense, it made me laugh.

What was the slogan? IMPEACH CHENEY FIRST.

You do realize that if Cheney was impeached and removed from office, and the Democratic Congress refused to confirm Bush's choice to replace him and then impeached Bush who would become the President of the United States?

Nancy Pelosi, that's who. She's third in line.

But chances are that's not going to happen, and we're stuck with Bush until January 20th, 2009. I don't know who the next president will be (although I've made my preference clear), but at this point it doesn't look like anyone, Republican or Democrat, could help being anything but an improvement over the morally retarded loser we have in there now.

So let's all hang on for the next two years and with any luck things will start getting better in this country.

Tom Moran


At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, I want you to consider that I don't vote because I am not a citizen.

However, citizens voted for this morally retarded loser not once, but twice.

Have you considered possibly that citizens aren't informed, don't know how to be informed, don't care enough to be informed, or many who are have completely given up on the two-party system, which is why the morally retarded loser got in again?

Or maybe the morally retarded loser's actions of spending for future generations and wasting the empathy and positive global relations are what most of the voter electorate want?

You don't have to assume that voters know enough about the issues. In six years of reading blogs and forums, I haven't yet encountered a Bush supporter who demonstrated fiscal conservatism or an ability to make cogent arguments nor rebut salient points skilfully.


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