Monday, October 09, 2006

"Hubris" is spelled B-U-S-H

Thomas DeFrank in the New York Daily News is reporting that as a result of the Republican Man-Boy Love Association scandal, President Bush's mood has "blackened."

This is my favorite part of the piece:

"Now, however, friends, aides and close political allies tell the Daily News Bush is furious with his own side for helping create a political downdraft that has blunted his momentum and endangered GOP prospects for keeping control of Congress next month.

Some of his anger is directed at former aides who helped Watergate journalist Bob Woodward paint a lurid portrait of a dysfunctional, chaotic administration in his new book, "State of Denial."

In the obsessively private Bush clan, talking out of school is the ultimate act of disloyalty, and Bush feels betrayed from within.

"He's ticked off big-time," said a well-informed source, "even if what they said was the truth.""

Does anyone catch the irony here? An unnamed source is telling a reporter about how "ticked off" the president is that people are being unnamed sources for reporters, even though these sources are telling the truth.

Kinda symbolic of what's going on in the Bush White House at the moment, don't you think?

Here's my second favorite part of the piece:

"Bush is less worried about his standing with history, telling aides that George Washington's legacy is still being debated two centuries later. But he understands that losing one chamber of Congress will cripple his lame duck-weakened final two years.

"He's remarkably optimistic," a Bush insider said. "Like Ronald Reagan, he has a gift for looking beyond the morass in front of him and sticking to his goals, even if it's not popular.""

Two points to be made here:

1) Another symbol of the utter incompetence of George W. Bush: this man, arguably the worst president in our history, is comparing himself to George Washington. Does anything better encapsulate the raw hubris of the man, which has led to some of the most disastrous years in our country's history?

2) This ties in with what I said before. Bush can't stand people around him being unnamed sources, unless of course they're licking his ass in Macy's window by comparing him to Ronald Reagan.

Pitiful. Just pitiful.

Tom Moran


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