Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Republican Man-Boy Love Association

Don't you love all this blaming that's going on?

Every Republican on Capitol Hill has a different explanation for the fact that Rep. Mark ("Me So Horny") Foley was being outed as a serial creep at this time -- and of course all these explanations involve Democrats. Except for Matt Drudge, who thinks it was all a prank gone terribly, terribly wrong.

Meanwhile, Denny ("The Buck Stops Here Until I Pass it to Someone Else") Hastert is clinging to power in the pathetic hope that toughing it out will somehow keep the GOP from losing control of Congress in a month.

Well, guess what, Denny? I think that ship has sailed.

John Podhoretz, in a risible column for the New York Post, posits that the entire "L'Affaire Folie" is the work of a "sleazy, scuzzy, unprincipled and entirely Machiavellian Democratic political operative." Who shall remain nameless, of course.

These people just can't admit that they fucked up, can they?

Now, while I would love to think that some Machiavellian Democrat helped orchestrate this entire fiasco for the Republicans without anyone figuring out who was behind it, I find that entire scenario a little too Oliver Stone-esque to hold water. The fact is that the GOP knew about this for a long time, did nothing, and now it's blowing up in their faces.

And they deserve it. This scandal is the perfect symbol for the Republicans and their use and abuse of power. More than scamming Native Americans, more than trips to Scotland to play golf on the taxpayers' dime, more than The K Street Project, this just gets to the GOP right where they live -- their so-called family values.

Republicans say they're for the protecting of children on the one hand, and they shield pedophiles on the other.

Doesn't get better than that.

Tom Moran


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