Friday, September 02, 2005

Catching on to Ann Coulter

Are people finally catching on to Ann Coulter? It's far too soon to tell, but there are signs that something may be happening.

Consider the following two events:

1) Harding University, a conservative school that promotes Christian values, has uninvited Coulter to speak there. Why? Because of complaints from students that her views were "un-Christian." Which, of course, they are.

2) The Arizona Daily Star in Tucson has dropped Coulter's syndicated column. Editor and Publisher David Stoeffler wrote that "Many readers find her shrill, bombastic, and mean-spirited. And those are the words used by readers who identified themselves as conservatives."

The most cursory glance at Coulter's column would prove instantly that Stoeffler's appraisal is correct. Ann Coulter is a vicious, mean-spirited bitch, and many conservatives are actively embarrassed by her -- when they're not disgusted, that is.

She's also a hypocrite. This is the woman who claimed in her column that if New York were to be invaded by terrorists they would "immediately surrender," a charge she reiterated on Fox's "Hannity and Colmes." The fill-in host, Ellis Henican, deftly punctured Coulter's pomposity by saying that "I know it's a tough town. Not everybody can handle living here." I wonder how many people in the Fox viewing audience realized that this was a subtle and very effective put-down of Coulter, who, as has been reported in the press, left New York and moved to Florida because she was terrified of being killed by a stalker? So she's a coward as well as a hypocrite. Not that I mind, mind you -- New York is a cleaner city without Ann Coulter living in it.

It's way too soon to say that Ann Coulter's fifteen minutes of fame are up. But the signs are looking good.

Tom Moran


At 9:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

As one of those disgruntled alums who worked to have her removed from the speaking schedule at Harding, I must thank you for helping spread the message. There are plenty of Christians who do not equate their faith with political, social or theological conservatism!

Thanks for mentioning this!



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