Sunday, April 15, 2007

Tit for Tat

Tom DeLay wrote a item on his blog about Don Imus the other day.

Wait a minute. That's not exactly true. Tom DeLay doesn't write anything -- apparently because someone took away his crayons. He spews this stuff verbally, rather like projectile vomit, and then someone writes it down for him. That's how he "wrote" his pathetic recent autobiography, and that's how he "writes" his blog.

But I digress.

DeLay's "blog item" on Imus is very revealing. It starts out fairly rational -- in fact, I'm a little surprised (and not a little embarrassed) to admit that I actually agree with some of it. He makes some of the same arguments that I made in my own blog item about the Imus imbroglio.

It's the conclusion that he draws that's sub-moronic. Let me demonstrate:

And for the contextual icing on the cake, where are the repercussions for Rosie O'Donnell's hateful, idiotic accusations that President Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks? And her ignorant parody of the Chinese language? Or her comparison of conservative Christians to Islamo-fascist terrorists? Why has ABC not suspended her from The View? Why has she not been frog-marched up to some radio show to apologize to 9/11 victims/Chinese-American activists/evangelical Christians?

What the Left is doing is not a fluke – it's a concerted strategy. And it works. So if you can't beat ‘em, join ‘em. That's why I am calling on conservatives to use the available media (radio talk shows, blogs, letters to the editor) to protest and demand that Rosie O'Donnell be kicked off The View. Where are the demonstrations in front of ABC? Where are the boycott threats for The View's advertisers, or its parent company, Disney? Who is holding Barbara Walters accountable for Rosie's offenses? We can fight like the Left, too. If Don Imus falls to the pleas of political correctness, we're taking Rosie O'Donnell down with him.
This, apparently, is the great Christian creed (DeLay professes to be a Christian) that two wrongs make a right. Somehow I missed that one on my last perusal of the Bible.

Imus should not have been fired -- period. But why is it that, because CBS and NBC have made fools of themselves disposing of a cash cow who will no doubt go on to make money for other people on sattelite radio, ABC should be equally stupid and get rid of someone who has made the ratings of The View skyrocket? That makes sense?

I should make one thing clear. Although I agree with Rosie O'Donnell on many issues, I find her opinion on 9/11 to be absolutely ridiculous. But so what? I don't have to agree with her on everything, and if she wants to make an ass of herself spewing out idiotic conspiracy theories and then claim that "physics" proves her right (I'd like to know the grade Rosie got in Physics in High School), that's her right. That's why we have free speech in this country.

I think the fact that Tom DeLay somehow believes that the Republicans lose out to liberals because they're insufficiently ruthless is hysterically funny. No one has been more ruthless in his pursuit and use of power than Tom DeLay. Just think of how he mercilessly exploited the case of Terry Schiavo to score political points -- a tactic that justly backfired on him and the Republicans.

Don Imus was fired from MSNBC and CBS, and that was, in my opinion, both stupid and wrong. But two wrongs don't make a right -- no matter what Tom DeLay says. You don't like what Rosie says? Then prove her wrong. Don't try to shut her up.

Tom Moran

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